
A New View on Ancient Chinese Movable Type Printing (Ⅰ)
中文关键词: 活字印刷术  技术原理  发明时间  社会需求  文化发展  图书史
英文关键词: Moveable type printing  Technique  Time of invention  Social demands  Cultural development  History of books
陈力 四川大学历史文化学院教授国家图书馆研究馆员 四川成都 610064 
摘要点击次数: 2136
全文下载次数: 1278
The inventor, the invention time and place of the movable type printing have been the hot topic in the academic community. This article discusses the following issues: Was there movable type printing earlier than Bi Sheng? Was there wooden movable type printing earlier than Wang Zhen? Was the movable type printing the mainstream in ancient China? What are the limitations and optimal scope of application of ancient Chinese movable type printing? What are the differences between ancient Chinese, ancient Korean and Gutenberg's movable type printing in Europe?
The technique of movable type printing is exactly the same with imperial seals which was discovered and applied in the pre Qin times. “秦陶量”, “秦公簋”, “能原镈”, “攻敔王夫差剑” and “簋”, etc were all mud molded with moveable type and casted. Bi Sheng's contribution is making moveable type with clay and improving typesetting. Wooden moveable type was not invented by Wang Zhen whose contribution is actually the improvement of wooden moveable type. The characteristics of moveable type printing was rapid typesetting and cost saving, fit for mass printing. However, the printing block was disassembled after printing. Its techniques were more complex and demanding than woodblock printing. Accordingly, woodblock printing was more appropriate for long term printing of the same book.
Compared with woodblock printing, moveable type printing developed slowly. It did not become the mainstream of document duplication in ancient China. Compared with the same period of ancient Korea and the end of Middle Ages of Europe, moveable type printing was not used widely, and books printed with it were not as many due to the characteristics of moveable type printing and the social environment in ancient China. 26 refs.
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