[美]C. Olivia Frost.The I-School concept in the United States and beyond[J].中国图书馆学报,2008,34(6):
The I-School concept in the United States and beyond
Key words:Library and information education,Library and information science,I-schools,Information schools,
Author NameAffiliation
[美]C. Olivia Frost School of Information, University of Michigan. 304 West Hall, 1085 South Univ Av., Ann Arbor, MI48109-1107,USA. 
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Information schools (“I-schools”) have played a crucial role in the recent history of library and information science (LIS) education in the United States. This paper identifies key characteristics of i-schools and describes how they have helped address long standing challenges in LIS education. With a focus on “People, Information, and Technology”, i-schools have built strong multidisciplinary programs in research and instruction. As a result, i-schools have achieved increased stature and relevance, cross disciplinary partnerships, increased student enrollment, and stronger financial standing. The i-school model also has relevance outside the U.S., as can be seen in i-school models which are emerging in China, India, Japan, Singapore, and Germany.12 refs.
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