Research on Multi-paradigms of Information Science in Digital Context
Key words:Information science,Paradigms,Digitization,Metatheory
中文关键词:  信息科学,研究范式,数字化,元理论
基金项目:本文系国家社会科学基金项目“ 基于Web2.0 的网络环境下情报学核心内容构架的研究”(项目编号: 08BTQ021)和天津市社科基金项目“面向提高国际竞争力的天津市信息服务业环境扫描战略研究”(项目编号: 52WJ1123)的研究成果之一。
Author NameAffiliation
Wang Lin 天津师范大学管理学院 天津 300387 
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Paradigm research is an important issue of fundamental theory of information science in digital context. IS belongs to normal science which has multiple paradigms that are related each other and comparable. On the basis of literature survey, this paper elucidates three typical paradigms of IS. The elucidation includes basic viewpoints and new advances of each paradigm. It points out system /physical paradigm is highly related to information theory and technology tradition of IS. Controversy about this paradigm arises because of its problems such as the neglect of user, the relevance of information theory to IS. Cognitive paradigm emerged as the alternative paradigm of the former one. Its scientific community becomes mature. New theories and models like holistic cognitive view are put forward to perfect the paradigm against thecriticism that social dimension is ignored. Domain analysis paradigm attaches importance to epistemology and stresses on social-cultural context. It studies information problem from the perspective of knowledge domain and discourse community.As for the comparison and innovation of multi-paradigms in IS, it suggests that we IS scholars should compare fundamentalassumptions and presuppositions of each paradigm from the view of metatheory. On basis of this work, a multi-paradigmsframework of IS which can explains social information phenomenon from different dimensions should be constructed. 46 refs.
      研究范式是数字化语境下信息科学基础理论研究的重要内容。信息科学是具有多元研究范式的常规科学,不同要研究范式之间彼此关联,有可比性。本文在文献调研的基础上论述信息科学三种典型研究范式的基本观点和最新进展。系统/ 物理范式与信息论和技术传统关系密切,忽视信息用户和理论基础的适用性问题已成为该范式受到争议之所在。认知范式作为系统/ 物理范式的替代性范式而兴起,其科学共同体的发展趋于成熟。针对认知范式中社会维度的缺失,整体主义认知观等理论模型的提出使认知范式更加完善。领域分析范式重视认识论方法,强调社会文化情景的重要性,提倡从知识领域和话语社群角度开展研究。指出应从元理论层次比较信息科学各研究范式的基本理论假设与预设立场,构建从不同视角阐述社会信息现象的多元研究范式结构框架。参考文献46。
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