Formal Semantic Description Standard Family for Chinese KOS(Ⅱ):Research and Implementation of Classification Scheme Sharing Service System〖
Key words:Classification  scheme CLSS Web Service  Linked Data  Automatic  classification  CLC KOS CNKOS
中文关键词:  分类法  分类法共享服务系统  网络服务  关联数据  自动分类  《中国图书馆分类法》  知识组织系统 CNKOS
基金项目:本文系国家社科基金项目“中文知识组织系统形式化语义描述标准体系研究”(编号:12BTQ045) 和深圳大学人文社会科学基金项目“图书馆关联数据服务的实现及应用研究”(编号:12QNCG11)的研究成果之一
Author NameAffiliationE-mail
HUANG Huajun 深圳大学图书馆 深圳:518060  
ZENG Xinhong 深圳大学图书馆 深圳:518060 zengxh@szu.edu.cn 
LIN Weiming 深圳大学图书馆 深圳:518060  
CHEN Ruoyun 深圳大学图书馆 深圳:518060  
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In the context of globalization of network information, it is an urgent need to consider networked development and sharing for classification schemes that have already had widespread users in the library field. Since 2000, the international mainstream classification schemes, e.g. DDC, LCC and UDC, have had their Web versions published one after another, while the Web version for CLC (Chinese Library Classification) was also released in 2011. However, there is still a lack of an integrated, reusable and Semantic Web oriented solution for classification schemes and classification-like knowledge organization systems. This paper aims to provide a reference and support for users in the rapid implementation of networked sharing services of the existing classification schemes, including their Web version, Web Service, Linked Data service and automatic classification. It also provides a promising solution that can meet the requirements of both human and machine use.
       By using computer programs to automatically analyze the source files of the classification schemes in the MARC or HTML format, this paper adopts CNKOS (Common CNKOS Semantic Description Standard) to produce the semantic description of the classification schemes, and employs key technologies, such as the Lucene full-text retrieval engine, the ExtJs plug-in, the Axis SOAP engine, and the URL Rewrite plug-in, to realize classification scheme sharing service and to build a prototype system (known as CLSS). It is verified that, in the case of CLC v4.0, all operations and calls of its functions and modules are in line with the expected results. Constructed as a unified support system for the classification-like Chinese knowledge organization systems, CLSS offers all functionalities required in classification schemes, categorization schemes or standard code tables in CNKOS. It is proven that this solution can be put into practical use, and can facilitate the quick deployment of other classification-like Chinese knowledge organization systems.
       The semantic description of classification scheme enables it to offer knowledge service in the Semantic Web environment; the construction of a Web version of classification scheme can promote its networked development and application; the web services provided by classification scheme can facilitate the interoperability among different systems or applications; the implemented Linked Data service of classification scheme can link various resources both inside and outside the library, and allow new resource discovery and access services for users, thereby can greatly improve the knowledge spreading role of the library in the internet era; the automatic classification realized by simulating the artificial classification process can offer effective automatic or computer-aided classification service.
       CNKOS is an extension of SKOS. It reveals explicitly a lot of semantics within the classification schemes that used to be implicit. On this basis, this paper adopts international advanced open-source technologies, takes the representative domestic CLC as an example, and constructs the CLSS prototype system that integrates a Web version, automatic classification, Linked Data service and Web Service. The successful implementation of the system verifies the scientificity and practicality of CNKOS. It plays a good demonstrating and promoting role and provides a reusable solution for other domestic classification schemes and classification-like knowledge organization systems to quickly realize their Semantic Web style sharing services. Moreover, the solution can serve as a reference for similar international knowledge organization systems in realizing their Semantic Web style sharing services. For some complex automatic classification requirements, further research or human intervention is required to obtain more accurate results. 5 figs. 4 tabs. 21 refs.
      本文旨在为国内外分类法拥有者快速实现现有分类法的Web版、Web Service术语服务、Linked Data化和自动分类等网络共享服务提供参考和支持。以《中国图书馆分类法》第四版为例,采用CNKOS对分类法进行语义化描述,使用Lucene全文检索引擎、ExtJs插件、Axis SOAP引擎和URL Rewrite等关键技术实现了分类法共享服务(CLSS)原型系统。经验证明所有功能模块运行和调用都符合预期效果。实践证明该套解决方案可投入使用,而且其他分类法类型的中文知识组织系统均可依此方法快速完成相应的部署。但是,对于部分复杂的自动分类需求,如要获得更为准确的分类号还需更深入的研究或人工辅助。图5。表4。参考文献21。
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