
Reflections on the Development of Scientific and Technical Information Industry from the Perspective of Chinese Modernization
中文关键词: 中国式现代化  科技情报事业  科技情报现代化
英文关键词: Chinese modernization  Scientific and technical information industry  Modernization of scientific and technical information
林鑫 华中师范大学信息管理学院 湖北 武汉 430079 
曾建勋 华中师范大学信息管理学院 湖北 武汉 430079 
摘要点击次数: 678
全文下载次数: 2706
Chinese modernization has put forward new requirements for the construction of modern scientific and technical information,endowing the scientific and technical information industry with new connotations,objectives,and tasks,bringing new opportunities and challenges for its development. Therefore,it is urgent to study the Chinese modernization of scientific and technological information to promote high quality development of the industry.
Focusing on this issue,this paper first reviews the evolutionary process and main features of the modernization of scientific and technical information in China,including the initial stage (1956-1978),characterized by providing support for the realization of the “Four Modernizations”;the transitional stage (1978-late 1990s),with database technology application as the core;the growth stage (mid to late 1990s-2012),featuring the modernization of scientific and technical information with the deep development of network;and the prosperous period (2012 to present),characterized by addressing the impact of big data and artificial intelligence.
Furthermore,based on the analysis of the requirements of Chinese modernization for the development of scientific and technical information,this paper elaborates on the “Chinese” characteristics and “modernization” connotations of scientific and technical information,discussing the five major characteristics of Chinese modernization of scientific and technical information. These include providing diversified and hierarchical scientific and technical information services to adapt to the huge population;providing equal and accessible public scientific and technical information services to realize the common prosperity of all people;balancing service efficiency with people oriented focus to coordinate material and spiritual civilization from the perspective of scientific and technical information;realizing man machine symbiosis and multi subject coordination in scientific and technical information work to meet the requirements of harmonious coexistence between humans and nature;and achieving autonomous and controllable scientific and technical information resources and smooth international circulation to implement the great principles of pursuing peaceful development.
Finally,in conjunction with the strategic direction and development trends of the Chinese scientific and technical information industry in the new period,this paper proposes development strategies to empower the Chinese modernization through scientific and technical information. This includes researching the new connotations and theoretical system of modernization of scientific and technical information under the framework of Chinese modernization,constructing an autonomous and controllable resource security system framework for Chinese modernization of scientific and technical information,exploring high quality scientific and technical information service models for the development of Chinese modernization,reshaping the knowledge organization and information computing system of Chinese modernization of scientific and technical information,and innovating the organizational support and management system for Chinese modernization of scientific and technical information. 27 refs.
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