Journal of Library Science in China appreciates academic integrity, originality, and innovation, and encourage both original and cross-disciplinary cooperation, this publication ethics statement stipulates the responsibilities of authors, editors, editorial board members and reviewers.
As the organization unit of the National Library Journals Editing and Publication Committee, this journal proposes boycotting academic dishonorable behaviors and delivers the following declaration.
Joint Declaration of Abiding by Academic Morality and Purifying Academic Environment.
Author responsibilities
1) All authors should ensure that they have written entirely original works, and if the authors have used the work and/or words of others that this has been appropriately cited or quoted.
2) An author should not publish manuscripts describing essentially the same research in more than one journal or primary publication. Submitting the same manuscript to more than one journal concurrently constitutes unethical publishing behavior and is unacceptable.
3) Authors should follow basic writing, citation, and annotation guidelines and respect others' intellectual property rights.
4) All authors listed on a paper must have made substantive contributions to the research and writing of the paper.
5) Authors must certify that all data cited in the article are, to the best of their knowledge, real, accurate, and authentic.
6) If a mistake is discovered in a published paper, the author(s) must provide a retraction, correction, or apology, as appropriate.
Reviewer responsibilities
1) Reviewers must review the article in an objective and impartial manner based on their experience and knowledge.
2) Reviewers must disclose to the editor(s) any potential conflicts of interest regarding the papers they are asked to referee, including concerns related to funding or personal objections to the material in question.
3) Reviewers shall evaluate academic level of the article, point out its theoretical significance and application value, whether the content is innovative, and clearly explain the possibility of publication.
4) Reviewers must maintain the confidentiality of the contents of the article reviewed and shall not improperly use the contents of the article reviewed and shall not intentionally delay the review for competitive purposes.
Editorial responsibilities
1) Editors are responsible for the whole process, including article receiving, submitting, accepting, editing and publishing.
2) Editors have final authority to accept or reject a submission, including “desk rejections”.
3) After the article passes the initial review, the editorial department shall ensure that the article will be sent to the appropriate reviewers for review and shall prompt the reviewers to give evaluation opinions in time.
4) If a material error is discovered in a published paper, the editor will see to it that a correction, retraction, or apology, as appropriate and feasible, is published promptly.
5) It is the editor’s responsibility to ensure that the review process is double-anonymous, and to protect both authors’ and reviewers’ identities.
Review process