
A Study of the Jiaxing Mode for the Public Library Service System in China
中文关键词: 公共图书馆服务体系,总分馆,嘉兴模式
英文关键词: Public library service system,Main-branch library,Jiaxing mode
李超平 浙江大学公共管理学院信息资源管理系 杭州 310030 
摘要点击次数: 4587
全文下载次数: 3284
      在对世界与我国公共图书馆服务体系研究状况分析的基础上,以嘉兴总分馆体系(嘉兴模式)为例,采用实证研究的方法考察嘉兴总分馆体系的制度设计、运行机制及运行效果。嘉兴模式的特点为 “三级投入,一级管理”,其紧密型总分馆的成因取决于管办分离而非财政投入模式。嘉兴模式有利于形成紧密型总分馆制度,在中国现行财政体制下更具有可行性。而在法制缺位的情况下,“嘉兴模式”推广的可能性和障碍有待进一步的实证研究。表3。参考文献11。
In order to explore the sustainable development of the public library service system, this paper studies the main branch library system and the management system which is under specific administrative level, and investigates the stability and controlling nature of the main branch library system. This study adopts the methods of document survey, field survey and personal interview, and causality analysis. One of the most important conclusions is that the genesis of the main branch library system is the separation of management and administration, but not the financing mode. The Jiaxing mode of “three-level investment and one level management” is a mode advantageous for forming compact main branch library system and possible to realize under the financial system in China. This study does not deal with the obstacles in promoting the Jiaxing mode when there is no relevant law, which requires further empirical study. 3 tabs. 11 refs.
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