
Visualization Analysis of the Research Front and Hot Domains of Library and Information Science in the Past Five Years: Studies Based on the Quantitative Analysis of 13 High impact International Journals
中文关键词: 图书情报学,研究热点,研究前沿,文献计量方法,可视化分析
英文关键词: Library and information science, Hot domains, Research front,Bibliometric method,Visualization analysis
邱均平 武汉大学中国科学评价研究中心 武汉 430072 
温芳芳 武汉大学信息管理学院博士研究生 武汉 430072 
摘要点击次数: 7600
全文下载次数: 4647
Based on the Bibliometrics and visualization methods, this paper analyzes 3881 papers in 13 international journals included in SCI and SSCI in the field of Library and Information Science in the past five years. High impact authors, high frequency keywords and burst terms are investigated respectively by means of knowledge mapping generated by CiteSpaceII. Investigations reveal that quantification, management and technology have been the three research dimensions in Library and Information Science for the past five years. And the trend for quantitative research has been enhanced greatly. Under the impetus given by some outstanding scholars, such as Glanzel、Leydesdorff、Egghe and others, Library and Information Science research is breeding a new round of prosperity with the Citation Analysis and h index as its hot domains. Meanwhile Library and Information Science is entering a stage of maturity and perfection. 2 figs. 5 tabs. 16 refs.
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