
Information Behavior in the Scattered Information Context:A Review of Overseas Interdisciplinary Information Behavior Research in the Field of Library and Information Science
投稿时间:2013-04-05  修订日期:2013-05-16
中文关键词: 图书情报学  信息行为  信息分散  跨学科研究
英文关键词: Library and information science  Information behavior  Scattered information  Interdisciplinary
基金项目:本文系国家社科基金重大项目“基于特定领域的网络资源知识组织与导航机制研究”(项目编号:12&ZD222) 的研究成果之一。
马翠嫦 中山大学图书馆,中山大学资讯管理学院广东 广州 510275 macch@mail.sysu.edu.cn 
曹树金 中山大学资讯管理学院,广东 广州 510006  
摘要点击次数: 3956
全文下载次数: 3111
This paper reviews the research on overseas interdisciplinary information behaviors in the field of library and information science(LIS) in the framework of “theoretical bases, behavior features and improvement of application”.This paper makes “information behavior in the scattered information context” as main study object and theoretical basis for interdisciplinary information behavior in LIS .Based on a review from three perspectives (weak information and behaviors, interdisciplinary information behavior models and information serendipity), the paper proposes three features of interdisciplinary information behaviors, namely, information acquisition through interpersonal channels, collaborative study and knowledge construction for knowledge fusion and innovation, and group diversity and prominent features in interdisciplinary research on humanities and social science.Finally, applied research on interdisciplinary information behaviors from the improvement of information services and the improvement of information retrieval and system is suggested.84refs.
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