
Review on the Research Status and Development Trend of Network Users' Information Behavior
投稿时间:2014-01-13  修订日期:2014-03-15
中文关键词: 信息行为  网络环境  信息需求
英文关键词: Information behavior  Network context  Information need
查先进 武汉大学信息资源研究中心,湖北 武汉430072。 xianjinzha@163.com 
张晋朝 武汉大学信息资源研究中心,湖北 武汉430072。  
严亚兰 武汉科技大学管理学院,湖北 武汉430081。  
李晶 安徽大学管理学院,安徽 合肥,230601。  
摘要点击次数: 4624
全文下载次数: 2796
      新信息环境下,信息用户突破了传统的信息接受者和获取者的角色,转变成为网络用户,用户参与程度随之加深,其信息需求通过外显的信息行为反映出来,呈现出多样化、多维化、社会化和综合化的特点。网络信息行为涉及信息源选择、信息搜寻、信息交流、信息使用等行为。本文跟踪国内外重要研究成果(以图书情报领域为主),发现国内网络信息行为研究的内容和特点是:网络信息行为基本问题研究;对具体网络信息行为的研究;网络信息行为影响因素研究;多种研究方法相结合,研究内容和研究对象扩大。国外网络信息行为研究现状及发展动态体现在:研究对象扩大,呈现出跨学科的特征;研究变量增多,注重微观层面的探讨;多种研究方法相结合,同时强调定性与定量分析;新的信息行为类型不断被挖掘;不同机构、不同地区间合作频繁。 本文从理论基础、研究对象、研究内容、研究方法、行为类型、研究深度、合作程度等方面对国内外网络信息行为研究进行了比较。表2。参考文献106。
In the new information context, information users have become network users as a result of breaking through the traditional role as information recipients and seekers. The degree of user participationis thus deepened. User information needs are reflected by their overt information behavior, which are characterized by diversification, multi-dimension, socialization and integration. User information behavior concerns information sources selection, information seeking, information exchange, information use, etc. This study follows major research achievements (mainly in the field of library and information science), suggesting that the research content and characteristic of domestic network,users' information behavior research lie in:research on the basic issues of network information behavior; research on specific networkusers' information behavior; research on factors influencing network users' information behavior; the combination of multiple research methods and the expansion of research content and research object.The research status and development trend of foreign network users' information behavior research lie in:the expansion of research object and the crossing of multiple fields; the increasing of variables with the focus on micro-level exploration; the combination of multiple research methods, emphasizing on both qualitative and quantitative analysis; new types of information behavior being mined; frequent cooperation among different institutions and different regions. Then, this study makes a comparison between domestic and foreign research in terms of theoretical basis, research object, research content, research method, behavior type, research depth and cooperation degree. 2tabs. 106refs.
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