
The Foundational Structure of Information Literacy as its Empowerment Mechanism
投稿时间:2021-03-23  修订日期:2021-08-16
中文关键词: 信息素养  信息素养教育  赋能机制  信息素养结构 
英文关键词: Information literacy  Information literacy education  Empowerment mechanism  Structure of information literacy
于良芝 南开大学商学院 天津 300071 
王俊丽 石家庄铁道大学经济管理学院 河北 石家庄 050043 
摘要点击次数: 1267
全文下载次数: 1030
This study aims to investigate the mechanism through which information literacy programs empower students,and in so doing,to justify its status as a distinct education practice and to provide guidance for possible innovations of information literacy education in ChinaIt draws on modern practice theories and traditional Chinese concepts of knowledge ,utility and development oriented educationIt focuses on formal credit earning information literacy courses and takes the university wide courses as a unit of analysisIt collects data from courses of 6 out of 23 universities and colleges in one region through participant observations and in depth interviewsIn total,the authors participated in 76 hours of 20 courses,which amount to 127 hours for each course and 33 courses for each universityIn observing these courses,one of the researchers tape recorded (with the lecturer's consent) and took notes of every possible detail of the classroom activities,including contents taught,the lecturers doings and sayings,and the interaction between the lecturers and the studentsThe study further interviewed 20 lecturers and one administrator responsible for information literacy education,inquiring about the background for the course offerings,objectives of the courses,course designs,syllabus,teaching approaches and assessment,etcIt analyzed the collected data in light of Schatzi's practice theoryIn addition to the courses teleo affective structure as theorized by Schatzi,this study reveals a more fundamental structure on which the teaching practice of the investigated courses is basedThis structure consists of information related objects concerned by the courses and their associated literacies covered by the courses; it indicates the courses understanding of what exactly information literacy is about and what it should contain,which the courses pass implicitly on to their studentsThis study names the structure “the taught structure of information literacy”This study further demonstrates that it is possible to extend this structure to one that includes more objects and more associated literacies,which it calls “the foundational structure of information literacy”It argues that the more a course's taught structure is aligned with the foundational structure,the greater is its empowerment,and the more likely will it achieve both instrumental and intellectual empowerment on one dimension,and knowledge ,utility and development oriented empowerment on the other3 figs1 tab30 refs.
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