
Software Level Metrics: Concepts and Future Applications
中文关键词: 软件级别计量  软件引用  软件提及  Altmetrics  开放科学  开源软件  学术评价
英文关键词: Software level metrics  Software citation  Software mentions  Altmetrics  Open scienceOpen source software  Academic evaluation
陆彩女 中国科学院上海药物研究所信息中心 上海 201203 
顾立平 中国科学院上海药物研究所信息中心 上海 201203 
摘要点击次数: 505
全文下载次数: 416
In the open science and open source environment,the importance of research data and pieces of software and source code which are used to create research data in scientific research has been increasingly recognized and valued by many scholars and organizations. However,the visibility problem of software and source code in academic publications is severe. For example,software havent been cited or referenced or styles of software references or citations arent standardized,resulting in that the roles of software developers,optimizers,and maintainers havent been attached great importance in scientific research. Therefore,it is important and urgent to evaluate the academic impact of software and source code in a quantitative way and incorporate them into the academic assessment system. This study proposes the concept of software level metrics and gives the definition of software level metrics to evaluate the academic influence of software and source code quantitively to identify the contribution of software developers and maintainers in scientific research.
Based on known theories and practices,this study combs several measurement methods and indicators and their inherent problems for software level metrics and divides the indicators into 3 types: usage statistics indicators,bibliometric indicators and supplementary measurement indicators. The usage statistics indicators include the number of downloads,the number of registered users,the number of reuses and degree of dependence. The bibliometric indicators include the number of citations and the number of mentions in academic publications. Supplementary measurement indicators include the number of comments and the number of mentions in social network systems,etc. Among them,software citation and software mention in academic publications are two more important indicators in software level metrics. This study briefly summarizes four refined indicators of software citation and software mention,which are: 1) software mention #1-name mention; 2) software mention #2-URL mention; 3) software citation #1-citing papers; 4) software citation #2-citing URL or DOI or RRID. Then,this paper presents a practical example of software level metrics on three types of software: the proprietary software,open source software and non commercial software. It is confirmed through the example that software citation #1-citating papers is more common in academic publications than the other 3 indicators of software citation and software mention. Finally,this study simply outlines the possible application scenarios of software level metrics,including: 1) Assisting researchers in academic software search and discovery; 2) Assisting funding agencies or reviewers in project funding assessment and project conclusion review in a more comprehensive manner; 3) Promoting code development and optimization and scholarly awarding all of the persons and websites in the lifecycle of software; 4) For libraries and librarians to preserve software and develop new types of knowledge services,such as innovating academic assessment services; 5) Effectively carrying out personal study for citizens. 2 figs. 5 tabs. 83 refs.
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