
The Theoretical Basis and Practical Exploration of Library Specialization Facing the Challenge of Socialization
中文关键词: 图书馆专业化  图书馆社会化  图书馆职能  图书馆机构  图书馆业务  图书馆职业
英文关键词: Library specialization  Library socialization  Library function  Library organization  Library service  Library profession
柯平 南开大学商学院 天津 300071 
胡娟 南开大学商学院 天津 300071 
袁珍珍 南开大学商学院 天津 300071 
摘要点击次数: 541
全文下载次数: 590
As a proposition of library science theory and a goal pursued by librarians for a long time,library specialization is being challenged by excessive socialization inside and outside the library field. Although socialization is one of the ways to realize the sustainable development of librarianship,it must not be at the cost of shaking the foundation of library specialization. Based on the basic orientation of balancing library specialization and library socialization,this paper analyzes the threat of excessive library socialization to specialization from the four dimensions of function,organization,business and occupation,and puts forward the future practice path of library specialization from the perspective of correcting excessive socialization based on the theory basis of library specialization.
The threat caused by socialization is reflected in that the library is caught in the mistake of overdeveloping the entertainment function and squeezing the basic function at the functional level. At the institutional level,the library is plagued by prominent social attributes,unclear vision and mission,complex and diverse organizational structure,low overall level of corporate governance,and the impact of outsourcing on the professionalization of grass roots libraries. At the business level,the expansion of outsourcing from fundamental work to professional work has led to the reduction of the level of acquisition and cataloging,the decline of collection quality and the weakening of the professionalism of readers activities,and the library is facing the risk of shaking its functional foundation and professional spirit. At the professional level,a large number of social practitioners and volunteers are introduced to professional posts which have undermined the professionalism of librarians and triggered the survival crisis of library science education in China.
This paper holds that the specialization of guiding function must give appropriate play to the entertainment function,and its boundary lies in whether the basic function of library's document and information can be guaranteed,and the library's information,education,culture and science function can be embodied in the entertainment function. To strengthen business specialization,we must be deliberate when outsourcing core business,and in business work we should always follow the business standards and norms,emphasize the completeness of principles,and guarantee technical knowledge content. To maintain the institutional specialization,we must adhere to the professional attribute of the library,establish the professional mission and vision,promote the scientific corporate governance structure and board system,and implement professional intervention to the grass roots institutions. To promote professional specialization,library science education can help to facilitate the internal unity of scientific,professional ethics and professional spirit,and advance the construction of professional qualification certification system. 53 refs.
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