
Exploring the Generation Path of Smart Data for the Activation and Utilization of Cultural Heritage in the New Era of AI
投稿时间:2024-01-08  修订日期:2024-02-18
中文关键词: 人工智能  文化遗产  活化利用  智慧数据  生成路径
英文关键词: Artificial intelligence  Cultural heritage  Activation and utilization  Smart data  Generation path
范炜 四川大学公共管理学院信息资源管理系 四川 成都 610065 
曾蕾 美国肯特州立大学信息学院 美国 肯特 44240 
摘要点击次数: 169
全文下载次数: 113
With innovative technologies emerging and undergoing rapid iterative updates, the landscape of AI is constantly evolving, encompassing a multifaceted ecosystem that is beyond natural language based processing and data generating.
Based on the smart data construction scenarios of cultural memory institutions such as galleries, libraries, archives, and museums (GLAMs), this article explores the possibilities, challenges, and paths of the activation, utilization, and innovative inheritance of cultural heritage through generating smart data which has now entered a new phase characterized by high efficiency, in depth analysis, and multi modal integration in the new era of AI.
The paper first revisits the concept of smart data for cultural heritage. To consider the diverse features of cultural heritage data, the paper introduces the CARE principles (Collective benefit, Authority to control, Responsibility, and Ethics) which complement the existing FAIR principles (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable) by encouraging open, sustainable, and ethical data movements. Smart data can be efficiently processed using AI technology while also being used by AI to generate intelligent applications and produce high quality data. Such advancement makes applications for promoting cultural heritage more abundant and practical.
The diversity of cultural heritage presents complexities in data processing. This paper sorts five generative patterns for diverse and heterogeneous cultural heritage resources: 1) machine readable text data, including born digital or turned to digital, unstructured and semi structured; 2) non textual data, such as images, sound, scents, objects, etc; 3) hybrid data contributed by the community; 4) specialized knowledge integration and association; and 5) national level knowledge networks embracing all types of resources. The generation of smart data for GLAMs involves the processes with data structuring, ontology generating, and linked data driven semantic association and enrichment, culminating in AI enabled semantic computing.
The paper also emphasizes that human intelligence remains crucial in the data modeling and encoding of cultural heritage resources. Human oversight is essential to ensure the credibility, trustiness, and interpretability of the results.
Intangible cultural heritage reflects the passion and commitment of this paper. AI has the potential to enhance the efficiency and depth of salvage record keeping while assisting in the protection of digital archives, the creation of knowledge graphs, and the innovative dissemination and creative transformation of intangible cultural heritage.
Balancing technological advancements with cultural sensitivity will be the key to shaping a future where technology and heritage coexist harmoniously. To overcome the challenges and unlock the full potential of AI in cultural heritage preservation and dissemination, generate trustworthy smart data, and advance innovative AI powered applications, continuous investment in cross disciplinary research in digital humanities will be essential. 3 figs. 1 tab. 68 refs.
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