
Protect Reader's Rights and Interests in Public Library by Rules and Regulations
中文关键词: 读者权益,读者权利,读者义务,公共图书馆法
英文关键词: Reader’s rights and interests,Reader’s rights,Reader’s obligations,Public Library Law
执笔人:李东来 东莞图书馆 广东省东莞市 523071 
蔡冰 东莞图书馆 广东省东莞市 523071 
摘要点击次数: 4212
全文下载次数: 3460
      就公众和业内专家对读者权利和义务的认知状况进行调查 结果显示二者在认识上存在差异。我国公共图书馆在读者权益保障方面还存在诸多问题 如:读者平等利用公共图书馆的权利没有普遍实现 读者的知情权没有得到切实保障 读者的自由使用权落不到实处 读者免费接受图书馆基本服务的权利尚未完全实现 读者隐私权和安全保障权存在隐患。参照国外图书馆相关法规 应该从制度上和法律上保障读者平等利用权、免费使用权、信息知情权、参与权、自主选择权、个人隐私权等的充分实现。表2。参考文献8。
The result of survey carried out among public and professionals shows that their opinions differ in the readers rights and obligations. Undoubtedly, there are some problems existing in public libraries in China, for example, readers right to equally access to public library has not been widely granted, readers right to know can not be guaranteed, readers right to use freely is under fulfillment, readers right to enjoy librarys basic service free of charge needs to be implemented entirely, and readers right of privacy and security has potential hazard. Taking the relevant rules of overseas libraries as reference, this paper suggests institutional and legal supports to protect readers rights, such as the right to get information equally, the right to use free of charge, the right to know, the right to participate, the right to choose freely and the right of privacy, in addition to the right of special readers to enjoy special service. 2 tabs. 8 refs.
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