
Phenomenology,Phenomenography and the Experience based Paradigm of User Studies: Philosophical Foundation,Core Concepts and Methodology of Information Experience Research
投稿时间:2021-01-31  修订日期:2021-03-24
中文关键词: 信息经验  信息行为  信息实践  用户体验  现象学  现象图析学
英文关键词: Information experience  Information behavior  Information practice  User experience  PhenomenologyPhenomenography
于良芝 南开大学信息资源管理系,天津 300071 
刘怡君 南开大学信息资源管理系,天津 300071 
摘要点击次数: 1331
全文下载次数: 750
      信息经验研究是图书馆信息学界为了增进对信息用户的理解而开展的最新研究,是继信息行为、信息实践之后出现的又一用户研究流派。本文梳理该流派出现的背景、哲学基础、核心概念及研究方法,评价它相对于信息行为研究和信息实践研究的特色,反思其内在局限。上述梳理显示,信息经验研究的主要哲学基础——现象学——在很大程度上塑造了其研究视野、内容、方法、理论样式和实践价值:使其在视野上更倾向于将用户视作身心灵的统一体,在内容上更关注用户的主观经验,在方法上更鲜明地体现着解释学传统,在理论样式上更接近人文学科的叙事,在实践价值上更多地表现为向实践输送现象学家范梅南所说的“感性知识”(pathic knowledge),这种知识主要通过唤起图书馆信息职业对用户的移情而支持系统设计和信息服务。本研究还显示,现有相关研究所理解的信息经验概念,主要由主观主义的“信息”概念(信息=个人认定的所有使知物,anything that informs)和现象学的“经验”概念(经验=生活经验或生活世界中的经验,life as we live it)复合而成,这不可避免地导致信息经验的泛化——特定情境下的信息经验几乎囊括该情境下的所有经验。但从总体上看,凭借其哲学基础、方法论及研究成果的特点,信息经验研究有望与信息行为及信息实践研究一起,推动未来信息用户研究。表2。参考文献59。
Information experience research is a new category of user related research in library and information science,following information behavior and information practice. This paper aims to offer a systematic and critical review of existing information experience research. It does so by surveying,comparing and synthesizing related literature published in major library and information science journals since the 1990s. Based on this literature,it examines the background against which information experience research emerges,and explicates its philosophical foundations,concepts and methodologies.
This study shows that the philosophical foundation of information experience research,particularly phenomenology,bestows this category of research a number of distinctive features: it sees the user as a holistic person,engaging both the body and the mind in his/her interaction with information; it focuses on users lived experience of being informed and applies hermeneutic approach to examining this experience; it generates results that align with humanity scholarship,which supports LIS profession not so much through causal relation based prediction as through experience based empathy. This study also shows that the current conception of information experience appears to be based primarily on the subjective view of information and a phenomenological view of experience; this has given rise to a hugely conflated and nebulous object of study for information experience research. Having examined the features of information experience research,this study goes on to compare these features with the established characteristics of information behavior and information practice research and argues that the difference between these strands of research is so pronounced that they can be seen as three different paradigms for information user studies. All considered,this paper believes that information experience research will make a notable impact on future information user studies,alongside information behavior and information practice research. 2 tabs. 59 refs.
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