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014   Journal of Library Science in China, Vol.10, 2018

            exploited and analyzed by humans, machines, and algorithms; libraries would no longer be geared
            primarily to direct readers but instead to content contributors, community curators, text-mining
            programs, machine-learning algorithms, and visualization tools; libraries would operate as an open
            digital platform, available for all manner of research and development projects emanating from
            within and beyond the campus.
              The NLM envisioned its functions in open science (see Figure 2, Usage license in public
            domains)(Huerta, 2017). It considered that its role and contributions should concentrate on
            new knowledge, services and mechanisms brought by biomedical science, information science,
            informatics and data science.

                           $PMMFDUJOH    %BUB
                         EJHJUBM SFTFBSDI                    4PGUXBSF
                            PCKFDUT           #JPNFEJDBM 4DJFODF
                                                                      $PNQVUJOH JO
                        &YUSBDU JOTJHIUT                                DPOUFYU
                          GSPN EBUB
                           7JTVBMJ[BUJPO                              MHPSJUINT
                         4UBUJTUJDT                                     0OUPMPHJFT

                        %BUB 4DJFODF                                   *OGPSNBUJDT
                         1SPCBCJMJTUJDT                                 $PNQVUBUJPO
                            "SUJGJDJBM                               4PGUXBSF UPPMT

                                  4FMFDUJPO                     1SFTFSWBUJPO
                           $VSBUF            *OGPSNBUJPO 4DJFODF
                                     "DRVJTJUJPO             $MBTTJGJDBUJPO
                                         Figure 2. NLM in open science.

              In its 2015-2023 strategic plan—Living Knowledge, the British Library(2015) indicated that “we
            are only just beginning to appreciate the distinctive and dynamic roles that libraries have to play
            in this revolution: as curators of vast and rapidly growing collections of digitised historic items
            and born-digital content; as creators and analysers of new datasets; as experts in setting standards,
            improving data and enabling links in a complex digital landscape; and as centres for cross-
            disciplinary working and business innovation”.

            3.2  Repositioning the library

            Like the aforementioned institutions, we need to think about: ① What is the library? It is
            far beyond a building, collection or a batch of materials. It is a service mechanism based on
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