P. 6

Disruptive changes and the post-library era: Toward

               supply-side structure reform of knowledge services

               ZHANG Xiaolin  〇a *
               National Science Library, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100190, China

               In view of predictions of the replacement of library work by automation, this paper analyzes the trends
               towards digital, data-centered and computable knowledge. It puts forwards that the information era
               is moving towards data era and computing era. We need to reexamine library services, to redefine
               knowledge discovery, expression, literacy and services, and to promote the supply-side reform of
               knowledge services. We can define the library from the perspective of service mechanisms based on
               knowledge and its utilization, reposition library scenarios from the perspective of services embedded
               and merged into users’ workflows, absorb vitality and play the library’s role in knowledge-intensive
               activities such as scientific research, technological innovation, teaching, production and management.

               Disruptive changes, Library, Knowledge environment, Knowledge computation, Knowledge services

               0  On the occupation of librarians at risk

               Based on the knowledge aggregative and intensive service mechanisms, the library is confronted
               with great challenges brought by reforms in knowledge creation, distribution and utilization. These
               reforms accelerate the library to fulfill its missions, enhance capabilities and contribute more, but
               will also exert an impact on its staff.
                 In 2014, an article in Forbes suggested that “let’s just close down the lending libraries and
               buy every citizen an Amazon Kindle Unlimited subscription” (Wortsall, 2014). Taking the tasks
               of creativity, social intelligence, perception and manipulation into consideration, The Future
               of Employment released by the Oxford in 2013 indicated that the employment of 99% library
               technicians (who perform the day-to-day functions of a library) and 65% librarians (who are
               responsible for resource construction, subject cataloging and services) would be replaced by
               computers (Frey & Osborne, 2013). According to Jobslost, Jobs Gained: Workforce Transitions
               in a Time of Automation released by the McKinsey Global Institute, 16% to 31% workers (0.118
               billion to 0.236 billion) will be displaced by automation by 2030 (Mckinsey Global Institute,
               2017). As a matter of fact, these predictions have ignored challenges of artificial intelligence,
               including AlphaGo, AlphaZero, Bianshiji (an app that can write poems) (Bianshiji, 2017), popular

               * Correspondence should be addressed to ZHANG Xiaolin, Email:, ORCID: 0000-0001-8891-8366
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